Convergence Program

College of Computing

AI Concentration Major Program

Demand-driven AI-Centered Education (DAICE)

As a demand-driven AI education program, it contributes to the growth of AI education at Yonsei by offering various majors with AI core subjects in response to the specific needs of each major.

DAICE Conceptual Diagram

AI core subjects + Department-specific advanced AI integration major subjects + Department major subjects
AI core subjects + Additional AI college major subjects + Department-specific advanced AI integration major subjects + Department major subjects
AI core subjects + Additional AI college major subjects + Department major subjects
AI core subjects + AAdditional AI college major subjects + Joint development or team teaching subjects between AI college and departments + Department-specific advanced AI integration major subjects + Department major subjects
AI core subjects + Collaborative development or team teaching subjects between AI college and departments + Department major subjects


  • The AI Core courses will be integrated into the students' first major program (AI+X Education Model)
  • Customized programs are offered to address the diverse needs of different majors.

AI Concentration Major
* AI Concentration Major subjects will be recognized as an interdisciplinary course in the college general education [Information and Technology] field (retroactively applied from the 2023-1 semester)

AI Programming with Python

In this course, students learn the fundamental concepts of computer programming with a focus on the Python language. This course is provided for non-major students, aiming to ultimately prepare them to take additional courses related to artificial intelligence integration and applications.

Computer Algorithms for AI Applications

The goal of this course is to prepare students to take intermediate-level courses in the field of artificial intelligence. In this course, we cover fundamental data structures used in the field of artificial intelligence and the algorithms associated with them.

Introduction to AI and Its Application

With the advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, numerous problems in the world are beginning to be solved using AI techniques. AI technology is expected to continue developing at a rapid pace and be applied to various fields. Artificial intelligence is no longer limited to AI experts; its value shines when it is applied to solving countless problems existing in the world. In this course, we aim to share extensive knowledge of artificial intelligence with non-specialists and examine successful cases where AI has been applied to solve problems in various fields. We also seek to make attempts to solve real-world problems during the course.

Introduction to Deep Learning and Application

In this course, we explain the widely used techniques of machine learning and deep learning, which are essential for implementing artificial intelligence systems. We extensively cover deep learning applications, including deep feedforward networks, optimization techniques, convolutional neural networks, recurrent neural networks, representation learning, generative models, and more. The goal is to provide a comprehensive understanding of deep learning and its various applications to enable students to implement artificial intelligence systems.

Introduction to Data Science

In this lecture, various topics related to data science are introduced, such as big data platforms, basic mathematical knowledge, fundamental machine learning, various data analysis and visualization techniques, and the basics of decision-making methodologies. The goal is to assist in the future enrollment of diverse data analysis courses.

Natural Language Processing and ChatGPT

This lecture covers a wide range of topics, from basic common sense and model learning techniques for natural language processing to state-of-the-art language models such as ChatGPT. The goal is to introduce various areas and ultimately utilize natural language processing and ChatGPT in various real-life problems.


Enrolled students in departments with established AI Concentration Majors can fulfill the requirements of the program.

Schedule and Application Process

Application Period: December 23, 2024 (Monday) 9:00 AM - January 8, 2025 (Wednesday) 5:00 PM
Application Process:
· Step 1: Log in to the Yonsei Portal Service (, go to Academic Portal System → Student Records → Access the AI Concentration Major Application
· Step 2: Confirm the desired major and write a statement of purpose, career aspirations, and academic plan before applying
※ Announcement of Approval Results: Scheduled for February 3, 2025 (Monday)

AI Concentration Major Program Curriculum

Please refer to the colleges and departments program curriculum.


Students who are selected for the AI Concentration Major and successfully complete the designated major credits in each department's program, will be awarded a degree certificate indicating both their major name and AI Concentration Major.


Each college or department office

Demand-driven AI-Centered Education for College of Liberal Arts
* For the latest graduation requirements, please contact the administrative office of your respective department for confirmation
* The Department of Korean Language and Literature will begin admissions from the 2023-2 semester

Major Requirements (Credits)
Department Advanced Major Name AI Core Subjects Primary Major Advanced Major in AI Convergence Primary Major AI College Major Subjects Total Credits Earned
Korean Language and Literature Korean Language and Literature
Advanced AI Convergence
12 - 57 - 69
French Language and Literature French Language and Literature Advanced AI Convergence 9 6 51 - 66
Psychology Psychology Advanced AI Convergence 12 3 48 - 63
Major Requirements for the Department of Korean Language and Literature
* The Department of Korean Language and Literature will begin admissions from the 2023-2 semester
Department Advanced Major Name Contents Group Completion Subtotal Remarks
Course Number Course Name Offering Semester Credits Group Subgroups
Korean Language and Literature Korean Language and Literature
Advanced AI Convergence
AIC2100 AI Programming 2023-1 3 A AI Core Subject 12 Choose 4 Courses
TBD AI Algorithms 2023-2 3 A
TBD Introduction to AI and its Application 2023-2 3 A
AIC3100 Introduction to Deep Learning and its Applications 2023-1 3 A
AIC2110 Introduction to Data Science 2023-1 3 A
- - - - - Primary Major Credit 57 -
Major Requirements for the Department of French Language and Literature
Department Advanced Major Name Contents Group Completion Subtotal Remarks
Course Number Course Name Offering Semester Credits Group Subgroups
French Language and Literature French Language and Literature Advanced AI Convergence AIC2100 AI Programming 2023-1 3 A AI Core Subject 9 Choose 4 Courses
TBD AI Algorithms 2023-2 3 A
TBD Introduction to AI and its Application 2023-2 3 A
AIC3100 Introduction to Deep Learning and its Applications 2023-1 3 A
AIC2110 Introduction to Data Science 2023-1 3 A
TBC The meaning of French - 3 - Primary Major Advanced Major in AI Convergence 6 Essential
TBC The architecture of French language - 3 -
- - - 3 - Primary Major Credit 51 -
Major Requirements for the Department of Psychology
Department Advanced Major Name Contents Group Completion Subtotal Remarks
Course Number Course Name Offering Semester Credits Group Subgroups
Psychology Psychology Advanced AI Convergence AIC2100 AI Programming 2023-1 3 A AI Core Subject 12 Choose 4 Courses
TBD AI Algorithms 2023-2 3 A
TBD Introduction to AI and its Application 2023-2 3 A
AIC3100 Introduction to Deep Learning and its Applications 2023-1 3 A
AIC2110 Introduction to Data Science 2023-1 3 A
TBD Psychological Science Data Science 2023-2 3 B Primary Major Advanced Major in AI Convergence 3 Choose 1 Courses
TBD Cognitive engineering psychology 2023-2 3 B
- - - - - Primary Major Credit 48 -


Advanced convergence majors established by Yonsei University's Business School and the Department of Computer Science/Artificial Intelligence to foster future convergence talents who can organize, manage and evaluate related business models based on their understanding of artificial intelligence technology, the core of the 4th industrial revolution technology


First Major in Computer Science at AI Convergence University (Since 2017)

Course Requirements

66credit (54 credits for a single major in computer science + 12 additional majors in Convergence Deepening)

Division Course Number Classification Credits Course Name
1 or more of these(3credits) BIZ1102 Major required 3 Theory of organizational behavior
BIZ1101 Major required 3 Accounting principles 1
BIZ3108 Major Required 3 Accounting principles 2
BIZ2122 Major requireds 3 Management science
BIZ3189 Major Required 3 Management Information System
BIZ2119 Major required 3 Financial management
BIZ2121 Major required 3 Production and operation management
BIZ2120 Major required 3 Marketing
BIZ3147 Major Required 3 Strategic management
Two or more of these subjects (6 credits) Department of Business Administration Major Selection -
Select one of the required subjects BIZ3207 Major Selection 3 Artificial Intelligence Management Introduction Project
CCO4140 Major Selection 3 Artificial Intelligence Convergence Practice

Application period

Apply from the 3rd semester to the semester just before graduation (Same as double major)


Office of Computer Science and Administration

College of Science AI-Centered Education for College of College of Science
* For the latest graduation requirements, please contact the administrative office of your respective department for confirmation

Major Requirements (Credits)
Department Advanced Major Name AI Core Subjects Primary Major Advanced Major in AI Convergence Primary Major AI College Major Subjects Total Credits Earned
Department of Mathematics Mathematics Advanced AI Convergence 3 3 57 6 69
Major Requirements(A subject in mathematics)
Department Advanced Major Name Contents Group Completion Subtotal Remarks
Course Number Course Name Offering Semester Credits Group Subgroups
Department of Mathematics Mathematics Advanced AI Convergence AIC2100 Artificial intelligence Programming 2023-1 3 - AI Core Subjects 3 Choose 1 Courses
TBD Artificial intelligence algorithms 2023-2 3 -
TBD Introduction and Application of Artificial Intelligence 2023-2 3 -
AIC3100 Introduction and Application of Deep Learning 2023-1 3 -
AIC2110 Introduction to Data Science 2023-1 3 -
TBC Mathematics and programming 2023-1 3 - Primary Major Advanced Major in AI Convergence 3 Essential
- - - 3 - Primary Major Credits 57 -
- - - - - AI College Major Subjects 6 Choose 2 Courses, Exclude Discrete Structures


Demand-driven AI-Centered Education for College of College of Life Science and Biotechnology
* For the latest graduation requirements, please contact the administrative office of your respective department for confirmation

Major Requirements (Credits)
Department Advanced Major Name AI Core Subjects Primary Major Advanced Major in AI Convergence Primary Major AI College Major Subjects Total Credits Earned
Department of Biotechnology Biotechnology Advanced AI Convergence 12 - 54 - 66
Major Requirements(A course in biotechnology)
Department Advanced Major Name Contents Group Completion Subtotal Remarks
Course Number Course Name Offering Semester Credits Group Subgroups
Department of Biotechnology Biotechnology Advanced AI Convergence AIC2100 Artificial intelligence Programming 2023-1 3 A AI Core Subjects 12 -
TBD Introduction and Application of Artificial Intelligence 2023-2 3 A
AIC3100 Introduction and Application of Deep Learning 2023-1 3 A
AIC2110 Introduction to Data Science 2023-1 3 A
- - - - - Primary Major Credits 54 -

Demand-driven AI-Centered Education for College of College of Social Sciences
* For the latest graduation requirements, please contact the administrative office of your respective department for confirmation

Major Requirements (Credits)
Department Advanced Major Name AI Core Subjects Primary Major Advanced Major in AI Convergence Primary Major AI College Major Subjects Total Credits Earned
Department of Political Science and Diplomacy political diplomacy Advanced AI Convergence 15 6 45 - 66
Department of Public Administration Public administration Advanced AI Convergence 15 6 48 - 69
Department of Media and Public Relations and Imaging Media and Publicity Imaging Advanced AI Convergence 15 6 42 - 63
Department of Social Welfare Social welfare studies Advanced AI Convergence 15 6 42 - 63
Department of Sociology Sociology Advanced AI Convergence 15 6 42 - 63
Department of Cultural Anthropology Cultural anthropology Advanced AI Convergence 15 6 42 - 63
Major Requirements(A political and diplomatic course)
Department Advanced Major Name Contents Group Completion Subtotal Remarks
Course Number Course Name Offering Semester Credits Group Subgroups
AI Core Subjects Political diplomacy Advanced AI Convergence AIC2100 Artificial intelligence Programming 2023-1 3 A AI Core Subjects 15 -
TBD Artificial intelligence algorithms 2023-2 3 A
TBD Introduction and Application of Artificial Intelligence 2023-2 3 A
AIC3100 Introduction and Application of Deep Learning 2023-1 3 A
AIC2110 Introduction to Data Science 2023-1 3 A
College of Social Sciences
TBD AI Basic Social Science (Coding) Subject(Undetermined) 2023-2 3 - Primary Major Advanced Major in AI Convergence 6 -
TBD AI Saturation Science Problem Solving Capstone(Undetermined) 2024-1 3 -
Political diplomacy - - - - - - 45 -
Major Requirements(A course in public administration)
Department Advanced Major Name Contents Group Completion Subtotal Remarks
Course Number Course Name Offering Semester Credits Group Subgroups
AI Core Subjects Public administration Advanced AI Convergence AIC2100 Artificial intelligence Programming 2023-1 3 A AI Core Subjects 15 -
TBD Artificial intelligence algorithms 2023-2 3 A
TBD Introduction and Application of Artificial Intelligence 2023-2 3 A
AIC3100 Introduction and Application of Deep Learning 2023-1 3 A
AIC2110 Introduction to Data Science 2023-1 3 A
College of Social Sciences
TBD AI Basic Social Science (Coding) Subject(Undetermined) 2023-2 3 - Primary Major Advanced Major in AI Convergence 6 -
TBD AI Saturation Science Problem Solving Capstone(Undetermined) 2024-1 3 -
Department of Public Administration - - - - - - 48 -
Major Requirements(A course in the Department of Media and Public Relations and Imaging)
Department Advanced Major Name Contents Group Completion Subtotal Remarks
Course Number Course Name Offering Semester Credits Group Subgroups
AI Core Subjects Media and Publicity Imaging + Advanced AI Convergence AIC2100 Artificial intelligence Programming 2023-1 3 A AI Core Subjects 15 -
TBD Artificial intelligence algorithms 2023-2 3 A
TBD Introduction and Application of Artificial Intelligence 2023-2 3 A
AIC3100 Introduction and Application of Deep Learning 2023-1 3 A
AIC2110 Introduction to Data Science 2023-1 3 A
College of Social Sciences
TBD AI Basic Social Science (Coding) Subject(Undetermined) 2023-2 3 - Primary Major Advanced Major in AI Convergence 6 -
TBD AI Saturation Science Problem Solving Capstone(Undetermined) 2024-1 3 -
Department of Media and Public Relations and Imaging Media and Publicity Imaging Advanced AI Convergence - - - - - - 42 -
Major Requirements(A social welfare course)
Department Advanced Major Name Contents Group Completion Subtotal Remarks
Course Number Course Name Offering Semester Credits Group Subgroups
AI Core Subjects Social welfare studies + Advanced AI Convergence AIC2100 Artificial intelligence Programming 2023-1 3 A AI Core Subjects 15 -
TBD Artificial intelligence algorithms 2023-2 3 A
TBD Introduction and Application of Artificial Intelligence 2023-2 3 A
AIC3100 Introduction and Application of Deep Learning 2023-1 3 A
AIC2110 Introduction to Data Science 2023-1 3 A
College of Social Sciences
TBD AI Basic Social Science (Coding) Subject(Undetermined) 2023-2 3 - Primary Major Advanced Major in AI Convergence 6 -
TBD AI Saturation Science Problem Solving Capstone(Undetermined) 2024-1 3 -
Department of Social Welfare Social welfare studies Advanced AI Convergence - - - - - - 42 -
Major Requirements(A social studies course of sociology)
Department Advanced Major Name Contents Group Completion Subtotal Remarks
Course Number Course Name Offering Semester Credits Group Subgroups
AI Core Subjects 사회학 + Advanced AI Convergence AIC2100 Artificial intelligence Programming 2023-1 3 A AI Core Subjects 15 -
TBD Artificial intelligence algorithms 2023-2 3 A
TBD Introduction and Application of Artificial Intelligence 2023-2 3 A
AIC3100 Introduction and Application of Deep Learning 2023-1 3 A
AIC2110 Introduction to Data Science 2023-1 3 A
College of Social Sciences
TBD AI Basic Social Science (Coding) Subject(Undetermined) 2023-2 3 - Primary Major Advanced Major in AI Convergence 6 -
TBD AI Saturation Science Problem Solving Capstone(Undetermined) 2024-1 3 -
Department of Sociology Sociology, social science Advanced AI Convergence - - - - - - 42 -
Major Requirements(A curriculum of cultural anthropology of culture and anthropology)
Department Advanced Major Name Contents Group Completion Subtotal Remarks
Course Number Course Name Offering Semester Credits Group Subgroups
AI Core Subjects cultural anthropology + Advanced AI Convergence AIC2100 Artificial intelligence Programming 2023-1 3 A AI Core Subjects 15 -
TBD Artificial intelligence algorithms 2023-2 3 A
TBD Introduction and Application of Artificial Intelligence 2023-2 3 A
AIC3100 Introduction and Application of Deep Learning 2023-1 3 A
AIC2110 Introduction to Data Science 2023-1 3 A
College of Social Sciences
TBD AI Basic Social Science (Coding) Subject(Undetermined) 2023-2 3 - Primary Major Advanced Major in AI Convergence 6 -
TBD AI Saturation Science Problem Solving Capstone(Undetermined) 2024-1 3 -
Department of Cultural Anthropology Cultural anthropology Advanced AI Convergence - - - - - - 42 -

Demand-driven AI-Centered Education for College of College of Human Ecology
* For the latest graduation requirements, please contact the administrative office of your respective department for confirmation

Major Requirements (Credits)
Department Advanced Major Name AI Core Subjects Primary Major Advanced Major in AI Convergence Primary Major AI College Major Subjects Total Credits Earned
Department of Food and Nutrition Food and Nutrition Advanced AI Convergence 12 - 48 3 63
Department of Living Design life design Advanced AI Convergence 12 3 48 - 63
Major Requirements(A food and nutrition course)
Department Advanced Major Name Contents Group Completion Subtotal Remarks
Course Number Course Name Offering Semester Credits Group Subgroups
Department of Food and Nutrition Food and Nutrition Advanced AI Convergence AIC2100 Artificial intelligence Programming 2023-1 3 A AI Core Subjects 12 Choose 4 Courses
TBD Artificial intelligence algorithms 2023-2 3 A
TBD Introduction and Application of Artificial Intelligence 2023-2 3 A
AIC3100 Introduction and Application of Deep Learning 2023-1 3 A
AIC2110 Introduction to Data Science 2023-1 3 A
- - - 48 - Primary Major Credits 48 -
- Introduction to Computer Science - 3 - AI College Major Subjects 3 Select 1 out of 11 subjects
- Object Oriented Programming - 3 -
- Internet programming - 3 -
- Data structure - 3 -
- Algorithmic analysis - 3 -
- Database - 3 -
- Machine learning - 3 -
- Data Mining - 3 -
- Big Data - 3 -
- computer vision - 3 -
- Artificial Intelligence Convergence Practice - 3 -
Major Requirements(A course in the Department of Life Design)
* We are planning to coordinate part of the curriculum, so please check the requirements for completion with the relevant department.
Department Advanced Major Name Contents Group Completion Subtotal Remarks
Course Number Course Name Offering Semester Credits Group Subgroups
Department of Living Design life design Advanced AI Convergence AIC2100 Artificial intelligence Programming 2023-1 3 A AI Core Subjects 12 Choose 4 Courses
TBD Artificial intelligence algorithms 2023-2 3 A
TBD Introduction and Application of Artificial Intelligence 2023-2 3 A
AIC3100 Introduction and Application of Deep Learning 2023-1 3 A
AIC2110 Introduction to Data Science 2023-1 3 A
TBC Data-based Integrated Design Research 2023-1 3 - Primary Major Advanced Major in AI Convergence 3 Essential
- Required designated subjects 1 - 3 - Primary Major Credits Essential 48
- Required designated subjects 2 - 3 - Essential
- Required designated subjects 3 - 3 - Essential
- Required designated subjects 4 - 3 - Essential
- Required designated subjects 5 - 3 - Essential
- Required designated subjects 6 - 3 - Essential
- Autonomous selection among major selection subjects - - - - - -

Demand-driven AI-Centered Education for College of College of Sciences in Education
* For the latest graduation requirements, please contact the administrative office of your respective department for confirmation

Major Requirements (Credits)
Department Advanced Major Name AI Core Subjects Primary Major Advanced Major in AI Convergence Primary Major AI College Major Subjects Total Credits Earned
The Department of Education Pedagogy Advanced AI Convergence 9 6 48 - 63
Department of Sports Application Industry Sports application industry Advanced AI Convergence 12 0 57 - 69
Major Requirements(An educational subject of the Department of Education)
Department Advanced Major Name Contents Group Completion Subtotal Remarks
Course Number Course Name Offering Semester Credits Group Subgroups
The Department of Education Pedagogy Advanced AI Convergence AIC2100 Artificial intelligence Programming 2023-1 3 A AI Core Subjects 9 Choose 3 Courses
TBD Artificial intelligence algorithms 2023-2 3 A
TBD Introduction and Application of Artificial Intelligence 2023-2 3 A
AIC3100 Introduction and Application of Deep Learning 2023-1 3 A
AIC2110 Introduction to Data Science 2023-1 3 A
TBD Computer learning analysis 2023-2 3 - Primary Major Advanced Major in AI Convergence 6 Essential
TBD AI Convergence Education 2024-1 3 -
EDU2002 Education for the Future Existing subjects 3 - Primary Major Credits 48 -
Major Requirements(Subjects of the Department)
Department Advanced Major Name Contents Group Completion Subtotal Remarks
Course Number Course Name Offering Semester Credits Group Subgroups
Sports application industry Sports application industry Advanced AI Convergence AIC2100 Artificial intelligence Programming 2023-1 3 A AI Core Subjects 12 Choose 4 Courses
TBD Artificial intelligence algorithms 2023-2 3 A
TBD Introduction and Application of Artificial Intelligence 2023-2 3 A
AIC3100 Introduction and Application of Deep Learning 2023-1 3 A
AIC2110 Introduction to Data Science 2023-1 3 A
- - - 3 - Primary Major Credits 57 -

Demand-driven AI-Centered Education for College of Global Leaders College
* For the latest graduation requirements, please contact the administrative office of your respective department for confirmation

Major Requirements (Credits)
Department Advanced Major Name AI Core Subjects Primary Major Advanced Major in AI Convergence Primary Major AI College Major Subjects Total Credits Earned
Applied Information Engineering Major Applied Information Engineering Advanced AI Convergence 9 3 51 - 63
Major Requirements(Subject)
Department Advanced Major Name Contents Group Completion Subtotal Remarks
Course Number Course Name Offering Semester Credits Group Subgroups
Department of Global Human Resources
Applied Information Engineering Major
Applied Information Engineering Advanced AI Convergence AIC2100 Artificial intelligence Programming 2023-1 3 A AI Core Subjects 9 Essential
TBD Artificial intelligence algorithms 2023-2 3 A -
AIC3100 Introduction and Application of Deep Learning 2023-1 3 A Essential
AIC2110 Introduction to Data Science 2023-1 3 A Essential
GAI3006 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 2023-2 3 - Primary Major Advanced Major in AI Convergence 3 Essential
GAI2003 Database Overview 2023-2 3 - Primary Major Credits 51 -
GAI3007 Information SW engineering 2023-2 3 - -
GAI4001 Application Information Capstone Design 2023-1 3 - -

Demand-driven AI-Centered Education for College of Medicine
* For the latest graduation requirements, please contact the administrative office of your respective department for confirmation

Major Requirements (Credits)
Advanced Major Name AI Core Subjects Primary Major Advanced Major in AI Convergence Primary Major AI College Major Subjects Total Credits Earned
medical science Advanced AI Convergence 9 3 269.5 - 281.5
Major Requirements(Subject)
Advanced Major Name Contents Group Completion Subtotal Remarks
Course Number Course Name Offering Semester Credits Group Subgroups
medical science Advanced AI Convergence AIC2100 Artificial intelligence Programming 2023-1 3 A AI Core Subjects 9 Choose 3 Courses
TBD Artificial intelligence algorithms 2023-2 3 A
TBD Introduction and Application of Artificial Intelligence 2023-2 3 A
AIC3100 Introduction and Application of Deep Learning 2023-1 3 A
MED2131 Data Science 2023-1 3 - Primary Major Advanced Major in AI Convergence 3 Essential
- - - - - Primary Major Credits 269.5 See the medical school curriculum table

Demand-driven AI-Centered Education for College of Dentistry
* For the latest graduation requirements, please contact the administrative office of your respective department for confirmation

Major Requirements (Credits)
Advanced Major Name AI Core Subjects Primary Major Advanced Major in AI Convergence Primary Major AI College Major Subjects Total Credits Earned
dentistry Advanced AI Convergence 12 - 231.5 - 243.5
Major Requirements(Subject)
Advanced Major Name Contents Group Completion Subtotal Remarks
Course Number Course Name Offering Semester Credits Group Subgroups
dentistry Advanced AI Convergence AIC2110 Introduction to Data Science 2023-1 3 A AI Core Subjects 12 -
TBD Introduction and Application of Artificial Intelligence 2023-2 3 A
TBD Artificial intelligence algorithms 2023-2 3 A
AIC3100 Introduction and Application of Deep Learning 2023-1 3 A
- - - - - Primary Major Credits 231.5 See Dental University Curriculum Table